Leaving space aliens behind (for now), let's look at another Real-Life Westerner...
...in a tale from Blazing Six Guns #1!
Kit Carson was one of the most famous of real Westerners to be adapted to popular culture.
He was among the first to be immortalized in dime novels and "blood and thunder" pulps.
He was among the first to be immortalized in dime novels and "blood and thunder" pulps.
Besides a movie serial and several feature films, Kit was portrayed in a long-running 1950s tv series starring Bill Williams.
Oddly enough, there was no tie-in comic to the tv series, in an era when almost every Western tv series had a comic book spin-off!
Oddly enough, there was no tie-in comic to the tv series, in an era when almost every Western tv series had a comic book spin-off!
In addition, the same publisher (Avon) who ran this tale in Blazing SixGuns, published Kit in his own title.
The story's artist, Gerald McCann, did a little of everything from Westerns to horror to romance, but eventually specialized in illustrating movie/tv tie-ins because of his ability to render accurate likenesses.
Just cleaned up & posted at my blog, "OLD TIMER TALES OF KIT CARSON", from BOYS' LIFE magazine, March 1951-May 1953. Written by Stanley Pashko / art by LEE AMES.