Friday, December 22, 2023

Christmas on the Prairie SUPER-STAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL Jonah Hex in "Fawn and the Star"

Unseen since publication in 1980...
...this over 40 year-old Yuletide tale offers us insight into how and why Jonah Hex turned into who he was!
Written by Michael Fleisher, penciled by Dick Ayers, and inked by Romeo Tanghal, this story appeared in DC Special #21 (1980): Super-Star Holiday Special, an anthology featuring all-new Xmas tales starring Batman, Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Sgt Rock, Jonah Hex, and the hosts/stars of DC's mystery comics.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Halloween on the Prairie GUNSMOKE "The Thing!"

...the title strip's protagonist faced an actual supernatural threat, albeit, not the one shown on this purely-symbolic cover by H C Kiefer!

Bet you didn't see that plot-twist coming, did ya?
Illustrated by Doug (Jonny Quest) Wildey, this never-reprinted tale appeared in Youthful's Gunsmoke #16 (1952), the final issue of the series.

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Halloween on the Prairie "WereWolf Goes West" B/W AND Color!, this time, it's a lycanthrope in the Weird West during the Halloween season...with a surprise guest-star tossed-in!
Appearing in the HTF tabloid Monster Times #24 in 1973 (where it was printed at full original art size), this tale featuring a cameo by the Masked Rider of the Plains and his Faithful Indian Companion was penned by Nicola Cuti and rendered by Frank Brunner.
Then, we discovered it had been reprinted in Eclipse's Unknown Worlds of Frank Brunner #2 (1985)... full, bloody cool, color!
It's a Halloween season treat (no trick) to you, faithful readers!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Romance on the Range ROMANCES OF THE WEST "Cowboy or the Playboy?"

Did she want a man...or a real man?
This "modern" Western tale (set in the then-present day of 1949) has the answer!
This never-reprinted tale from Timely's Romances of the West #1 (1949) was one of Marvel mainstay John Buscema's earliest assignments, and only his second romance tale!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Do You Know About LOBO...the FIRST Black Character to Star in His Own Mainstream Comic?

In 1966, the year The Black Panther debuted in Marvel's Fantastic Four #52...
...Dell Comics went them one better, introducing the first Black hero to get his own comic!

Other Black characters had their own series (one one-shot features) in anthology titles, but Lobo was the first to have his name AS the comic's title!
Lobo combined a couple of popular plot concepts...
Man on the Run for a Crime He Did NOT Commit
Exemplified by then-hit tv series The Fugitive, Lobo was framed, but couldn't prove his innocence.
Lone Western Hero
A loner wandering the Old West, righting wrongs was an especially popular genre in tv Westerns.
Variations on the theme included gamblers (Maverick) and martial-arts experts (Kung Fu)
Note: the tv series Branded also combined both the Loner and Man Framed themes! well as a new concept:
Prominent Black character
Black characters (except for sterotypes like Amos 'n Andy) were few and far between on tv until the mid-1960s, and even then only as supporting characters (usually servants).
1960s urban dramas like Naked City and East Side, West Side, which dealt with current social themes had Black guest stars including James Earl Jones and Diana Sands, but no Black regulars.
Star Trek (1966) had both a Black regular (Lt. Nyota Uhura) and Black actors in prominent roles as scientists and high-placed officers/officials (admirals, etc,).
But, at that point, there were no tv series with a Black lead or Black title character!
(Diahann Carroll's groundbreaking series Julia didn't debut until 1968, two years later!)
So, Lobo was, to say the least, a daring experiment, albeit one with as many popular themes as possible to maximize sales potential!
Dell writer/editor Don (DJ) Arneson and artist Tony Tallarico felt the time was right, and managed to convince their publisher to take a chance.
You can read Arneson's tale of Lobo's creation HERE.
Unfortunately, it didn't work.
Many vendors refused to put a comic with a Black hero on their racks, and the book had an almost 90% return rate.
Lobo the comic ran only two issues.
It's rumored that a script and unfinished art exist for a third issue, but that's never been confirmed.
You can read both issues of Lobo 
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